September Catch Up
I am in slight disbelief and simultaneously horrified that my last blog post was in March! I'm sure I fell victim to the new year and new me malarkey back in January and with any of my New Year's "resolutions" they fall to way side pretty quickly.
In my defence this year has gone by in a flash and not helped by the wash out of a Summer - it just feels like the school holidays were one big rainy day blur!
All that aside I do love this time of the year, doing what Northern Ireland does best wet, windy & cold letting us snuggle up in front of the fire and get the most out of our cosy sweaters (shop our current range here).
Our Autumn & Halloween stock has been flying out since the start of September and with pumpkins in every colour, texture & material I can understand why.
The weather has changed from wet & mild to wet & cold and already our best seller has been our amazing waterproof boots from Woden, I have a pair of these from last season and to say I've worn them a lot is an understatement, comfort, stylish and oh so practical! They are are little more on the expensive side but you will have them for seasons to come so an investment really!!
For some reason I've decided to do an online Christmas shop this year and already I'm regretting my business choices as the work I'm having to put in already and it's only September so please do visit the Christmas shop when its up and running - I will cry if you don't!
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